Entries tagged with 'critical whiteness'

The problem of dominance

  • July 5, 2014 00:25

Analysis on the abuse of the critical whiteness theory

I decided to take part in the March for Freedom 2014. Due to responsibilities at home, I knew I wasn’t able to participate during the whole March, from Strasbourg to Bruxelles. So I decided to join the March during the week that it would cross Luxembourg. On one hand, I would be able to join for two border crossings and several actions, on the other hand I would join for a period of time, perhaps less spectacular than the start or the end of the March, where there would possibly be more need for attention and support.

Together with several people from the Netherlands, both documented and undocumented, we joined the March in Perl (Germany), right before the first border crossing at Schengen (Luxembourg). I was happy to see strong actions at Schengen, the town from which so much of the migrants’ suffering migrants originates.