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Entries tagged with 'return'
Police shoots refugee at asylum center in Utrecht
Today (04-04-2013) at 12.53 a refugee from Nigeria has been shot by the police at the asylum center (AZC) at the Joseph Haydnlaan in Utrecht.
The man from Nigeria was suffering from serious medical problems but all help was denied. He was told that he had to return to Nigeria or otherwise would end up on the street, without any rights, without a home, without care, without any prospect of a humane existance.
After he had gotten the message that he had no more rights, the man locked himself in his room in the AZC, after which the COA (central organ for the shelter of asylum seekers) called the police. The man came out of his room with a small knife and walked outside. Eyewitnesses can tell that the man was no threath at all. In stead of choosing a more proportional approach, the police fired a warning shot, and then shot him in his leg. This is bizarre, considering the fact that the police has a whole range of other weapons (such as for example pepperspray) at their disposal. Nevertheless, as often, they chose to use their firearm.
After the man was shot, he has been taken to the hospital under guard. Other refugees protested against the methods of the police. They were also arrested. A large police force was present with police dogs: because of this the atmosphere became even more tense.
The Dutch asylum policy is a tough policy of intimidation and constant pressure to force refugees to return to unsafe countries where their life is at risk. After all, refugees do not flee from their homes for nothing. Cornered by the Dutch state refugees commit acts of despair. This incident does not stand alone: only a short time ago, on monday march 4th, an Iraqi refugee set himself on fire in the same AZC, after he had been told that he had to return.